Thursday, June 2, 2011

57 on Day 5

I'm writing tonight from Fayettville. Thanks for the prayers, we made our longest leg to date with no major mishaps! Well there was one tumble... and one rider with a bum knee spent most of the day in the Jeep - but all in all it was a great day. The weather has turned. Instead of the high 80s we rode in the 50's and 60's. I was actually cold most of the day, even with my cold weather riding gear. The wind could have been a problem as it was strong and in our face, but we were able to ride about 2/3s of our 57 miles on the Canalway Trail which was helped by good tree cover. Meanwhile, Becca was busy hauling subs and coffee to our meeting locations. Tonight we were wonderfully hosted by Good Shepherd Fayettville and were invited to participate in a great Bible study on the Book of Acts. Keep those prayers coming - our longest ride is tomorrow, 60 miles. One last thing, we bid farewell to Mark Fricky who had to return home to preside at a wedding (come on Mark, get your priorities straight!) But we did welcome Don Mills who will be joining us from Fayettville to Rochester.

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