Monday, August 1, 2011

The Friendly Kitchen - Dunkirk, NY

Hey all, Will here with an update on our progress so far. It's about 4:00 in the afternoon and Pastor Jeff, Ministry Associate Becca and yours truly have just arrived back at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center from our first day out doing God's work this trip. Today Jeff, Becca and I worked at The Friendly Kitchen, a community kitchen project run by Chautauqua County Rural Ministries of Dunkirk, NY.

Originally we were supposed to be helping move furniture around for another one of their ministries but it seems the Lord wanted us to be in the kitchen today instead because someone (unknowing to the coordinator) told the kitchen staff to not come in today because volunteers were going to be running the show all by themselves (panic!) Thankfully, God made sure one of the regular staff came in anyway to give us helpful hints. Today's meal was meatball subs with cheese, carrots and french fries.  With the exception of the french fries (which we burnt a little), we were able to successfully serve about 80 adults and children in Dunkirk.

Our mission today may actually end up being a dry run for tomorrow's mission when some of our team will head over to St. Susan's Kitchen in Jamestown, NY where we will be helping to feed more mouths. As I finish writing this, I hear all the young (and young-at-heart) members returning from their mission to the Joint Neighborhood Project Day Camp and we are all just so excited to hear how it went.  I will be putting together a photo album later tonight after we grab some dinner and head down to watch Chautauqua Idol. 

God's Peace,

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