Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finishing Well - Ride to Rochester

Here in Rochester at last, after 340 miles on the bike, numerous mishaps and lots of bumps, bruises and scrapes we are here. We shared out story with St. Timothy, Geneseo and then on the bikes. Just 30 miles today and no mishaps! Thanks you Mike Faville for leading us through. Tomorrow we officially ride into the convention center and tell our story. It's been a long haul. Will I do it again? Not right away! But next year... There is always next year. Anyone up for a challenge?

Thoughts on the Last Morning

It's 5:30 am, our host home is still, but it is Sunday and my internal clock says I should be up. I have no fresh adventure to report only a quiet reflection. Why do we ride? Why do we push ourselves through pain and crashes, flats and headwinds, mile after mile? The answer is different for each rider but we are all passionate about the ministries that will be funded by the Feed the Roots of Leadership Capital Campaign. Pastor Mark Frickey will tell you that he has been involved with outdoor ministry for 21 years, half of his life and without those experiences he would not be a pastor. Vicar Becca will tell you how campus ministry helped guide her in the paths that led her to seek to do ministry with youth and then seek ordination. I will tell you that it is not easy to answer God's call and go to seminary. It's not easy academically. It's not easy to uproot your life. It's not easy financially. The Upstate NY Synod was there for me to ease the path with support in prayers and in grants - every year. I want us to be there for current and future seminarians who are seeking to faithfully answer God's call. If you feel God has blessed you and you would like more information on how you can share that blessing through Feed the Roots of Leadership see

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 6 - The Saga or Falls, Rain and Lost Rider

I guess it was too much to expect 2 uneventful days. We left this morning in a misty rain. Not a half mile from the hotel both Amber and I were taken down by a wet, diagonal railroad crossing. Amber struck her head on the pavement - thank God for bike helmets! The helmet did what it was supposed to do, it broke instead of Amber's skull. I was a half second behind her and went down taking the brunt of the impact with my elbow. Meanwhile, Becca witnessed it all in the rear view mirror. What a way to start. We rode for a few hours as the misty rain turned steadier and colder. By 20 miles out I was beginning to get the first signs of hypothermia. It was my turn to ride in the Jeep until my core temp recovered and everything was working again. Then came the saga of the lost rider, Jeff Kane. Somehow he missed the rendezvous and his phone ran out of battery. two hours after our arrival time at St. Timothy, Geneseo we heard from him and sent out the rescue party! With his detours he managed to put 71 miles on. At last we are all present and accounted for. One last ride to Rochester tomorrow afternoon after worship with St. Timothy.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday - 5th day of the ride

I write after soaking in the hot tub at the Holiday Inn in Waterloo. Ahhhhhhh! We are getting better at this, no crashes, only 1 flat, and 56 miles. We even had the chance to surprise Bishop Marie and the Synod staff as we arrived at the Synod office unannounced. Tonight is our down night, then we are off to St. Timothy Geneseo where we will speak at the Sunday morning services reminding all of why we are crazy enough to do this ride. 275 miles down, about 80 to go. See you in Rochester!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

57 on Day 5

I'm writing tonight from Fayettville. Thanks for the prayers, we made our longest leg to date with no major mishaps! Well there was one tumble... and one rider with a bum knee spent most of the day in the Jeep - but all in all it was a great day. The weather has turned. Instead of the high 80s we rode in the 50's and 60's. I was actually cold most of the day, even with my cold weather riding gear. The wind could have been a problem as it was strong and in our face, but we were able to ride about 2/3s of our 57 miles on the Canalway Trail which was helped by good tree cover. Meanwhile, Becca was busy hauling subs and coffee to our meeting locations. Tonight we were wonderfully hosted by Good Shepherd Fayettville and were invited to participate in a great Bible study on the Book of Acts. Keep those prayers coming - our longest ride is tomorrow, 60 miles. One last thing, we bid farewell to Mark Fricky who had to return home to preside at a wedding (come on Mark, get your priorities straight!) But we did welcome Don Mills who will be joining us from Fayettville to Rochester.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 4 Bridging Troubled Waters

Today was an exciting day though I have to day that I hope tomorrow is a little less so. We left our new friends at St. Johns St. Mark in Canajoharie - they treated us marvelously well. Hitting the road, Amber and Mark thought they might start the day off with a crash. Skinned knees and bloody hand later we were on the road again, for about a mile then there was the flat tire. Shortly after that Jeff Kane's knee was too sore to continue. He took shotgun in the Jeep. A little later a severe thunder storm came, entertaining us with nearby lightening strikes. And then Mark fell. Come on people let's get praying! To top the day off the skies cleared and we were met with a 20 mph plus headwind for about 20 miles. Becca was our support for sure as she needed to pick a few of us up for the last few miles to our host church. Tomorrow has to be a better day. We did have delightful food and hospitality from the people of Our Savior's in Utica - and wonderful accommodations at St. Margaret House. Off to Fayetteville!